About us
At City Church, you will find imperfect yet forgiven people gathering together each week seeking to Know God, know each other and make Jesus known. We want to know Jesus, so we study God's Word and praise Him in worship. We seek to know each other through genuine relationships and deepen these relationships in our LifeGroups, as we encourage each other to follow Jesus. We want to make the love of Jesus known to those around us by serving in and connecting to our community.
Jesus' great love for us led Him to die for us. He paid the penalty for our sins. In Jesus alone we find hope, love, purpose and salvation from our sin and separation from God. Jesus has changed our lives and wants to change yours. This is good news and we want to share this message with those around us. We would love to have you come join our City Church family and hear more about Jesus' amazing love for you.
I am so thankful to serve as Pastor of the City Church family. I am not a perfect man, but I am forgiven and loved by Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I am the husband of an amazing wife and father of 4 crazy & fun kids. It is my mission to make disciples of Jesus as we seek to know God, know each other and make Jesus known.

Rick Marcus
Lead Pastor
our ministries:
- City Block - Birth-4 Years -
- City Kids - K-5th Grade -
- City YouthGroup -
- City Church LifeGroups -
- OASIS - Older Adults Sharing In Service -